A seven day credit account is usually available to all recognised professional firms. However, we reserve the right to decline to open a credit account. We will send an invoice for each order, after publication, and on receipt of the voucher copy, showing the details of the advertisement/notice, your reference, code and contact name (where supplied), and publication.
Our aim is to supply an invoice within one day from appearance of the advertisement/notice. Electronic voucher copies will be uploaded on to your client portal shortly after publication, and will be available 24/7.
Payments should be made by BACS to 'Statutory Advertising Limited', and sent to the banking details shown on the invoice. Please quote the invoice number(s) you are paying and your account number. If a receipt is required please let us know. Alternatively you can discharge your invoice by paying with a credit or debit card over the phone via EPOS.
We have a variety of downloadable forms, covering the most commonly advertised notices, and have accumulated a knowledge of many things connected with Statutory Advertising – for any advice, information or forms please do not hesitate to contact us on 07803 174379.
We welcome comments and suggestions on our services, to help us to improve in the future. If you wish to comment, or are dissatisfied with any aspect of our service, please contact us at the address shown below. We aim to respond within 3 working days of you contacting us. However, if investigation is required, or contact with other companies is needed, we will send an acknowledgement stating when we expect to be able to provide a full reply. If you are not satisfied by the reply you receive, please write to our Director at the address below.
We aim for all advertisements to appear on the date scheduled. However, this may sometimes not be possible, due to postal delays, newspaper production problems, logistics failures, human errors and other factors outside our control, and for which we cannot be held liable. Should an advertisement not appear as scheduled, we will advise you of the new date of appearance. Where it is too late for the advertisement to appear on another date, we will contact you, and supply a written explanation of why the advertisement has not appeared. Should there be an error affecting the value of your advertisement, we will rectify it, at no additional cost to you. Please notify us as soon as possible if you notice an error.
We cannot take responsibility for client errors, postal delays, industrial action or other factors beyond our control. The standards relating to timing may not be applicable at public holiday times, and do not apply to advertisements placed in publications outside of the United Kingdom, or where a prior quotation is required. All advertisements are accepted subject to our standard Terms of Business, and of the Terms and Conditions of the publisher in whose publication the advertisement appears. In particular, please note that we cannot accept consequential liability beyond the published cost of an advertisement.